Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Holy crap!! How is Elayna 11 months old already??

At 11 months, she's:
Still nursing
Eating table food like crazy
Wearing size 3 diapers
19 pounds
In 6-9 month clothes
Hates bathtime
Giggles like no tomorrow
Knows she's cute
Daredevil, constantly getting cuts and bruises
Still hates the carseat
Climbs stairs - oye
Is learning to throw trash (aka her diaper) away

Busy planning the big 1st bday party. I just can't believe it's already here. I need to detail Ellie's birth story, it's a good one!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I know, I know, I've been MIA for almost a month now.  But, in my defense, it's been a crazy busy month!

August 15th - Elayna took her first steps.  She is now completely full-on walking.  Falls down and stands right back up and starts walking.  Early early walker and into everything!

She started transitioning to the toddler 1 room yesterday and is loving it.  Has spent all day both days in with the big kids.  I'm so proud of my big girl but it's also sad. 

I've been working on planning the big 1 year old party. And having crazy nightmares about it!  I never throw parties so I'm definitely sweating the small stuff - cookies not getting made, people not showing up, rain for an outdoor party.  I need to relax because it's supposed to be about FUN!

Elayna has turned 10 months old.  Again, have photos of the big day, just don't have the cord for the camera to post them.  Sheesh.  At 10 months old she's:

Still wearing 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes
Size 3 diapers
Standing up like a big girl, not having to pull up on things
Has said mama, dada, bubba, and ok
Still going strong nursing
Working on transitioning to a sippy cup.  Doing good, but she likes to blow bubbles and drool
Loves table food.  Eating everything she can, just excluding age-restricted items like eggs, dairy, pb, honey...
Waves bye-bye most of the time and mouths it with no sound coming out
Loves to dance!
Her hair is definitely going blonde and is soooo long!   We have to pull it into some sort of pony everyday or it's in her eyes
Can climb the stairs
Good natured - she's always laughing and she's such an easy baby
Loves swimming although still doesn't love when we practice her floating skills

I love you baby girl!

Let's see, I'm back on fluttering (  It truly does help keep the house in order, but my inner snotty brat child sure does balk at having schedules and routines!

I'm at 78 books read so far this year:
Well on track to meet the challenge of 100 books this year.  But running out of stuff to read.  HELP!
1.        The Amber Room by T. Davis Bunn
2.       American Assassin by Vince Flynn
3.       The Winter Palace by T. Davis Bunn
4.       Imposter by Davis Bunn
5.       The Hiding Place by Karen Harper
6.       The Cold One by Christopher Pike
7.       Falling by Christopher Pike
8.       Among Thieves by David Hosp
9.       The Concrete Blonde by Michael Connelly
10.   Angel’s Flight by Michael Connelly
11.   When the Devil Whistles by Rick Acker
12.   Black Madonna by Davis Bunn
13.   The Templar Conspiracy by Paul Christopher
14.   The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury
15.   My Before and After Life by Risa Miller
16.   The Key to Rebecca by Ken Follett
17.   If Chins Could Kill: My Life as a B Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell
18.   Foul Play by Janet Evanovich
19.   Storm Front by Jim Butcher
20.   Fool Moon by Jim Butcher
21.   Grave Peril by Jim Butcher
22.   Summer Knight by Jim Butcher
23.   Death Masks by Jim Butcher
24.   Blood Rites by Jim Butcher
25.   Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
26.   Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher
27.   White Knight by Jim Butcher
28.   Small Favor by Jim Butcher
29.   Turn Coat by Jim Butcher
30.   Changes by Jim Butcher
31.   Side Jobs by Jim Butcher
32.   The Passage by Justin Cronan
33.   Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer
34.   Tales of Beetle the Bard by J.K. Rowling
35.   Two Kisses for Maddy by Matthew Logelin
36.   A Glimpse of Evil by Victoria Laurie
37.   Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
38.   Ghost Story by Peter Straub
39.   The Last Coyote by Micheal Connoly
40.   The Black Ice by Michael Connoly
41.   A Dark More than Night by Michael Connoly
42.   The Book of Fate by Brad Meltzer
43.   The Poet by Michael Connoly
44.   The Scarecrow by Michael Connoly
45.   Demons are a Ghouls best Friend by Victoria Laurie
46.   Ghouls gone wild by Victoria Laurie.
47.   The Millionaires by Brad Metzler
48.   Ghouls just haunt to have fun by Victoria Laurie
49.   Blood Work by Michael Connelly
50.   Void Moon by Michael Connelly
51.   Reversal by Michael Connelly
52.   Echo Park by Michael Connelly
53.   The Book of the Dead by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
54.    The Innocent Man by John Grisham
55.    Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich
56.   The Closers by Michael Connelly
57.   The Narrows by Michael Connelly
58.   Nine Dragons by Michael Connelly
59.   Lost Light by Michael Connelly
60.   Ghost Story by Jim Butcher
61.   Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly
62.   Post Mortem by Patricia Cornwell
63.   Body of Evidence by Patricia Cornwell
64.   All that Remains by Patricia Cornwell
65.   The Curse of the Holy Pail by Sue Ann Jaffarian
66.   Cruel and Unusual by Patricia Cornwell
67.   The Body Farm by Patricia Cornwell
68.   From Potter’s Field by Patricia Cornwell
69.   Cause of Death by Patricia Cornwell
70.   Unnatural Expose by Patricia Cornwell
71.   Point of Origin by Patricia Cornwell
72.   Black Notice by Patricia Cornwell
73.   The Last Precinct by Patricia Cornwell
74.   Blow Fly by Patricia Cornwell
75.   Trace by Patricia Cornwell
76.   Predator by Patricia Cornwell
77.   Book of the Dead by Patricia Cornwell
78.   Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell

I need to get back to working out, just can't drag my lazy butt out of bed when the alarm goes off at 5. 

Hope everyone's doing well!

Love, Courtney