Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Friday, June 29, 2012


First - my vacation officially started at 5:00 pm today!! No, I'm not going anywhere, but it's time off :) Have several books I've read that I need to write about. Hello for getting it done on vacay. Our laptop died. Grrrr. So it's iPad or computer hooked up to bigscreen for awhile. Sometimes I hate technology. Elayna's new word is mine. For everything. It was cute for a day but now is frustrating 'cause that's pretty much all she says so I can't understand her. I think that's all for now...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

20 months!

Apparently this is my obligatory once a month post.  I seriously intend to post more but time just flies by!  Elayna is 20 months old today. At 20 months she is:

In size 3 diapers
12 - 18 month clothes with some 9 month still fitting
Size 3 shoes
13 teeth!  upper left canine came in last Friday
Still rear facing
As of today, has figured out how to remove her diaper
Loves, loves, loves the beach and water, absolutely fearless
Is climbing anything and everything.  Up on the coffee table, onto chairs, up the stairs...
Shoe fetish.  'Nuff said
Loves being outdoors
Mimicking what we says
Is saying lizard, flower, bird (her favorite), ball, bye-bye, HI, cat, dog, mama, dada, bubba (for Nick), Memma (for Emma), Nana, Papa, I'm sure I'm forgetting some!
Knows how to do "muscles", points to herself when you ask where Elayna is.

In the last picture she was so mad because she wanted to go outside but it was time to leave for work/daycare.  She was so mad that she couldn't go out back!  But seriously, who couldn't love this cutie pie??