Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh Comcast...

You thought I had problems with you before?  That was nothing. 

Call me crazy, but before you send an official job offer to someone, you better double-check that they're actually the correct person to extend a job offer to.  Otherwise you risk them putting in their two-weeks' notice at their current job and then telling them "oops, it was a mistake to send it to you." 

Call me crazy, but that's a whoops that should never be made.  Rest assured that I will be contacting Kenneth Carrig (VP of Human Resources at Comcast) as a start.  And I'm ready to go as far and as high as it takes to get answers.

I rarely think someone should be fired, but in this case I do think someone should be.  The hubs received a phone call letting him know that the job was his on Monday, August 27th.  He received the official written offer through email on Wednesday, August 29th.  His start date was to be Tuesday, September 4th, less than a week after he got the official offer.  So he put in his two weeks notice at his job and a bit later got an email letting him know he didn't get the job after all. 

The HR rep put our livelihoods in danger due to her carelessness and/or ineptness.

I'm also not a sue-happy person, but I wonder what legal recourse we have.  Right now we have the official formal offer letter sitting on our table.  Comcast has caused our family a real actual loss of income and I feel they should be held resposible.  I don't expect billions or for them to hire DH (since it turns out they didn't want him - their loss). 

I just don't even know how to end this post.  I truly can't put into words what I felt when this happened. It's one thing to be turned down for a job.  It's another to lose your current job because the job you're applying for sends you an offer and then retracts it.  I'm disgusted and angry and am not going to stop until I am satisfied with the answers Comcast gives me as to why this happened and what they've done to fix it.