Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Elayna's first birthday party

Elayna's 1st birthday party was Saturday, October 15th.  We had quite the turnout, almost 30 people.  Which was totally awesome because for months I had nightmares that nobody would show up! 

The party was from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm.  We got up bright and earlier on Saturday morning, worked out, and then Daniel worked on cleaning and prepping food while I ran to Party City for balloons.  And tableclothes.  And a yard sign.  And forks and knives.  And still managed to forget extra plates which Nana and Papa were kind enough to go get for us.

Ellie started getting fussy so I fed her and she fell asleep around 12:30.  And it turned into a loooong nap.  At 2:00 guests were anxious to see the birthday girl (who was asleep on her boppy in the living room) so I rubbed her feet until she woke up.  She was a bit shy at first, I think she was overwhelmed by all the people.

See the suspicious look she's giving my boss??

We did a butterfly theme with most of the decorations coming from Oriental Trading. 

Rubber ducky butterfly chew toy :)

My mom (Nana), made the dress which got a ton of compliments.

Beautiful cake and smash cake came from Kroger.

We opened presents and then put her in her highchair for her smash cake.  She didn't want to touch it, so I pushed her hand into it and she FREAKED OUT!! 

With the crying baby, we totally forgot to put her candle on her cake and sing happy birthday. 

Once she calmed down Chad put together their gift to her and she rode all around the house.  It's a big hit.

Using my legs as a tunnel :)

All-in-all the party was a huge success.  In typical Courtney fashion I didn't take nearly enough pictures, but I love all the ones I did remember to take.

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