Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One down

A zillion and seven to go.  Boxes that is.  Oye, do I hate packing.  We're set to close on our house and move out and I've packed one box.  One large box.  Of about 1/4 of my closet.  Eh, I'm probably being generous.  It's about 1/8 of my closet.

Now, to be fair, I do have a 5x10 storage shed full of boxes already packed.  But we have lots of stuff.  I mean, lots and lots.  Have I mentioned I hate packing?

But it's all going to be worth it.  I can't wait to have a huge kitchen.  And a game room.  And one large master closet instead of two very small ones.  And a laundry room, a real laundry room.  And a dining room.  And, and, and.  I'm so excited to be moving!

But I'm sure I'll cry as we leave this house for the last time.  Our first house together.  The place where Elayna will have spent her first 6 months.  The place where Loki lived and died.  So many memories.  I just hope the future owners create as many happy memories here.

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