Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy 19 months, Elayna

I cannot believe Elayna's 19 months old today!!  At 19 months she is:

Basically running, although it looks pretty funny
Saying many words and trying to say a lot more
Loves reading books
Is in a size 3 diaper
Is just now outgrowing her 9 month clothes
Her hair is half way down her back and still a light brown/dark blonde
12 teeth
Obsessed with a Jeep exersaucer at daycare
Loves being outside (sitting outside watching her play as I type)
Is trying to dress/undress herself
Still rear-facing
Loves the pool
Hates the bathtub
Loves fruitsnacks, it's like toddler crack

I took a bunch of pics today and have the camera plugged in to the computer, but with the changes to blogger I can't get them to upload.  Grrrr.  I guess I'm going to have to break down and get Google Chrome.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Defending Jacob

by William Landay

Do you know who your kid is?  Yes, as a parent, you try to know your eat dinner together every night. You become friends with his friends' parents, you have his internet passwords and a block on his computer so he can't access certain sites. But do you really know your kid?

This is the horror D. A. Andy Barber finds himself facing.  Despite doing everything by the book, parenting-wise, he finds he may not know his son after all. 

The book spins its story carefully, working between flashbacks and current discoveries.  Benjamin Rifkin was murdrered.  During the investigation, it comes out that Ben was a bit of a bully and his main target was Jacob Barber, son of Any Barber.  Jacob swears that he's innocent, and what choice does a parent have but to believe their child.

In the course of the investigation, the Barber family loses everything - Andy's job, Jacob's education (as he's no longer allowed at school), Laurie (Jacob's mom) starts dwindling away under the stress, and their friends.  This book paints a grim picture that, no matter innocent or guilty, anyone accused is always tainted, their lives forever altered. 

What really got to me, as a mom, is what do you do if you think/know that your child is guilty, guilty especially of murder?  How do you deal with the feeling of betryaing your child by doubting their innocence?  Worse, how do you deal if it's not just doubt, but your child really is a murderer?

I was totally sucked into this book.  William Landay is an amazing writer and he paints characters I was drawn into and cared about. I saw a bit of myself in Laurie, trying too hard at times to make everything right.  And then I would see a bit of myself in Andy, staying stoic and distant when times got a little too tough.

Again, I struggle to write reviews of books because I don't want to give too much away.  This was another twisty, turny book that wonderfully pulled all the strings together in the end and tied them in a knot.  And like most great books, there was quite the twist at the end that had me go "ooohhhh."  I was sad to turn the last page, desperate to know what happened next to this family.  It is a must read!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Severe Weather Alert System

So We're sitting here watching the Supernatural I recorded Friday night. For those in the area, you'll remember Friday night saw some severe thunderstorms. So the alert interupted the show. And it was annoying! It's no longer just the long annoying beep. No, now it also had a very raspy voice guy telling us that there could be hail and to take cover inside. Okay, seriously, they need to get rid of this alert system. All it does is annoy people by interupting the show! By the time the alert came on Friday, it was already storming. So does no good. And when watching it days later it does no good. I would love to hear of any instance when the alert system did do good or alerted people who didn't know of extreme weather. Anyway, my vote is to never hear that annoying sound again!!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Okay, I know I've been MIA but what happened to blogger while I was gone?? I do not like the new layout... Anyway, not much has ben going on here. Elayna's now 18 months(!) and amazing. Still tiny, 22.5 pounds. Lots of semi words that I can understand. Says hi all the time. It's really adorable. Life is pretty great. Ellie fights me (and only me, it seems) getting in the car seat. She wants to stand facing forward! Size 3 diapers 9 to 12 month clothes mostly Loves reading with me Sleeps throughthe night Is beginning to recognize when her diaper is dirty Has an obsession with shoes being on everyone Hates bathtime Loves the pool Not a fan of brushng her teeth anymore. Back to the baby brush that goes over my finger Likes the baby swing at daycare Likes the jeep excersaucer at daycare I did read another book I need to do a review on, called The Fifth Witness. Amazing. That pretty much sums up everything right now. Enjoying life and summer. Hope all is good for everyone!!