Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Okay, I know I've been MIA but what happened to blogger while I was gone?? I do not like the new layout... Anyway, not much has ben going on here. Elayna's now 18 months(!) and amazing. Still tiny, 22.5 pounds. Lots of semi words that I can understand. Says hi all the time. It's really adorable. Life is pretty great. Ellie fights me (and only me, it seems) getting in the car seat. She wants to stand facing forward! Size 3 diapers 9 to 12 month clothes mostly Loves reading with me Sleeps throughthe night Is beginning to recognize when her diaper is dirty Has an obsession with shoes being on everyone Hates bathtime Loves the pool Not a fan of brushng her teeth anymore. Back to the baby brush that goes over my finger Likes the baby swing at daycare Likes the jeep excersaucer at daycare I did read another book I need to do a review on, called The Fifth Witness. Amazing. That pretty much sums up everything right now. Enjoying life and summer. Hope all is good for everyone!!

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