Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Monday, February 28, 2011

My baby sat up!

So I'm sitting on my bed, looking at facebook, with Elayna laying down next to me.  She started doing her crunches, trying to pull herself up.  I pulled her to a sitting position and slowly pulled my hand away.  And she stayed up!!!  She was swaying a little bit, but kept righting herself.  For about three seconds.

And then she went timber.

It was amazing, just like the first time she rolled over.  Unfortunately, I didn't record it.  We'll try again tomorrow.

A few of my favorite things

A nice spring day after a cold winter (ok, relatively cold, I am in Texas!)
The smell of fresh mowed grass
Brightly colored flowers
My cats wrestling
Elayna's smile
Nick and Emma excitedly telling me about their day
Daniel kissing me after a long day
Making up silly rhymes and songs (new fav is I doski, I doski, I love my babooski)
The smell of fire
Fresh sheets on the bed
Good dinner with family and friends

The list can go on and on, but I wanted to just take a moment and really think about good things in life.  I'm a very lucky person.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh how fun it is

To be a mom.  I never in a million years would have thought it would be so wonderful.  The way Elayna looks at me just melts my heart.  She is blowing lots of raspberries, cracking herself up.  She smiles and giggles so much.  And cooing - I would love to know what she's saying. 

Elayna loves the baby in the mirror, we stand in front of it together and I sing variations of "How much is that baby in the mirror."  She rolls over all the time and I call her my little rolly polly.  I feel truly blessed.  Daniel and I could never have wished for a better baby and I look forward to what each day will bring.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Introducing me

I am a wife, a stepmom, and a mom.  I am a daughter, a coworker, a friend.  That's me in a nutshell :)

I'm 31 years old and I've been married to a wonderful man for almost 5 years.  Wow, I cannot believe it's been so long!  Our anniversary is April 29th and we have yet to make any plans because of everything going on.  Normally we would go back to Playa del Carmen, where we spent our honeymoon, but as anyone who watches the news would probably figure, that just isn't going to happen!  Plus, we just put our house on the market, so that makes it a bit harder to travel as well.

I have two wonderful stepkids - Nick is 10 and Emma is 6, almost 7.  We added to our family on October 20, 2010 with our beautiful daughter Elayna.  She is the light of my life and I love her more and more each day.

Why blog?  Try work on my writing chops, of course!  I would love to be a published author.  I have written one novel, it's currently sitting in my nightstand needing some editing.  I've flipped through books on how to get published, and that's as far as I've gotten.  Maybe one of these days...

I like to work out, although it doesn't happen nearly as much as I would like between work, house, cooking, kids, pets.  Ah, yes, how could I forget to mention our animals!  We have 3 crazy cats and 2 insane dogs.  The big dog, Tank, was a margarita induced adoption.  I blame Daniel because he should learn to tell me no.

So I guess that's me.  Seems so dry on paper, but I promise, more good stuff is to come!

PS - happy birthday to my wonderful hubby, Daniel!