Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Friday, May 20, 2011

7 months

I can't believe Elayna's already 7 months old.  Time is flying by and she changes so much every day.  Right now she's:

Still not crawling.  I'm okay with this :)
Size 2 diapers
Still in 3 month clothes although beginning to fit in 6-9 month outfits without being swallowed up by them.
Eating more solids - loves avocados, broccoli, green beans, watermelon, she's going to be a very healthy eater!
Constantly talking
Her hair is getting even lighter
Eyes are still blue - I think they're going to stay this color

And currently has Dom's tail in her mouth.  He doesn't seem too bothered by it!

Took photos this morning and she was in a grumpy mood so they're pretty funny:

Yes, I did buy this outfit 'cause the butt says LOVE :)

Love the bumbo but I don't think she'll fit much longer

I can almost hear her saying "huh?"

I love you, Ellie belly!

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