Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Books Read in far

Last year I logged every book I read for the whole year.  It had a nice ring to it, Books Read in 2010.  Anyway, I read (or as Daniel says, inhaled) 64 books last year.  Yes, they were all real, grown up books :)  Nothing with pictures. 

This year he challenged me to read 100 books.  Shoot, full-time job, newborn, moving, all I could think was why the heck not.  Finished book number 32 today.  And that's not even counting all the board books!

1.        The Amber Room by T. Davis Bunn
2.       American Assassin by Vince Flynn
3.       The Winter Palace by T. Davis Bunn
4.       Imposter by Davis Bunn
5.       The Hiding Place by Karen Harper
6.       The Cold One by Christopher Pike
7.       Falling by Christopher Pike
8.       Among Thieves by David Hosp
9.       The Concrete Blonde by Michael Connelly
10.   Angel’s Flight by Michael Connelly
11.   When the Devil Whistles by Rick Acker
12.   Black Madonna by Davis Bunn
13.   The Templar Conspiracy by Paul Christopher
14.   The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury
15.   My Before and After Life by Risa Miller
16.   The Key to Rebecca by Ken Follett
17.   If Chins Could Kill: My Life as a B Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell
18.   Foul Play by Janet Evanovich
19.   Storm Front by Jim Butcher
20.   Fool Moon by Jim Butcher
21.   Grave Peril by Jim Butcher
22.   Summer Knight by Jim Butcher
23.   Death Masks by Jim Butcher
24.   Blood Rites by Jim Butcher
25.   Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
26.   Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher
27.   White Knight by Jim Butcher
28.   Small Favor by Jim Butcher
29.   Turn Coat by Jim Butcher
30.   Changes by Jim Butcher
31.   Side Jobs by Jim Butcher
32.   The Passage by Justin Cronan
The best thing about this has been finding new authors.  I love love love love (have I mentioned how much I love) The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.  New book (Ghost Story) comes out next month and I can't wait. 
The book I finished today, The Passage, was incredible.  Truly left me wanting more.  So I went online to discover...

It's the first in a triology!  Next one doesn't come out until 2012 (boo) but I have something to look forward to.  I just started Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.  It's been grabbing my eyes for awhile, so I figured why not.
So, I'm sure you're all wondering, how on Earth do I find so much time to read?  Well, I keep falling asleep sitting up, trying to squeeze one more chapter in.  But that has more to do with being engrossed in the books than meeting the challenge.  I also find I watch very little TV anymore (unless on for background while cleaning).  Lunch breaks, weekends, I can find any excuse to read!

PS - sorry about the weird font alignement after the list of books.  Don't know why it did that and can't figure out how to fix :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm keeping track of my books this year. You are putting me to shame!! So far, I have 12. Might you consider writing a blurb about each book or series? I always want to try new things, but am too chicken to just go buy some random book off the shelf.
