Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Friday, February 24, 2012


I know I haven't posted a flylady challenge in awhile, so I wanted to give a brief update. Yes, I'm still fluttering, but with modifications. Part ofnthe beauty of flylady is that each person has to adapt it to their own life. She just give basics blocks to start the building.

One thing I've let go of is the routines. Sure, I have things that have to get done each morning, noon, and night, but I've realized that they don't, and can't, get done in the same order every day. So it's a daily to do list, I know certain things have to get done before work, after work, and before bed. And it works perfectly for me.

Next thing that's going pretty well is decluttering. I'll admit, I have stuffitis. I have a hard time getting rid of things, it feels like a betrayal to those who gave it to me, or a betrayal to the money that was spent. I'm working on getting over that. 3 boxes went to good will last weekend and it felt good.

Do it now! Seriously is an awesome concept. I don't know why the human brain exaggerates the time it takes to do things, but it does. The dishwasher? Roughly two minutes to empty. Load of laundry? About 10 minutes, including going upstairs. I've been trying to do things before my brain can talk me out of it.

Still a lot of progress to make, but I feel good. House is looking not half bad, and I'm taking it one project at a time.

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