Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I got scammed

And no, I didn't send money to a Nigerian Prince :)  Since we moved last year, come January 1, 2012, we had to register our house as our homestead to get the break on our taxes.  So I got something in the mail from the state to take care of the paperwork.  Or so I thought.  I filled out the document and sent it back with the $35 fee, not a happy person.

Yes, I know I should have done my research, so I do take partial blame, but really, is it that unbelievable to think the state imposed a fee?  Plus, the laws did change in September 2011 to make it where you have to provide a copy of your drivers license with the address matching the house you're claiming and either proof that your vehicle is registered at that address or an affadavit stating that you don't own a vehicle.

So I got all that paperwork gathered and sent it into the state.  And then received another official looking document that hubby and I had to get signed and notarized together, and send in with another $39 fee.

At this point, I was furious.  First, having to get the two of us together somewhere during business hours and second another freaking fee.  So I started to do some googling and found out it's a total scam.

It looks official.  It comes from a company called Homestead Recording Service in Austin, Texas.  Yes, if you go down to the very bottom it says it's an advertisement.  But my problem is that it's selling itself as being from the state.  It's just wrong and I don't know why the state lets them do it.

Because all the "work" they did for $35 was to send me the document to fill out.  The document that's free online.  So I know it's a done deal and I know it won't happen, but I want my freaking $35 back!!!  And I did file a complaint with the State Attorney General. 

This is my PSA to let everyone know not to fall for the trick I did.  I'm just glad it was only $35.

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