Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Rachel's Challenge

I know, it's been forever.  And I have several things I need to post about, such as Elayna's 2nd birthday!!  And I'll get to it, I promise, but first I wanted to post about Rachel's Challenge.

I got the chance to go to a Rachel's Challenge presentation, not one done at a school, but one for adults.  I'll be honest, I was slightly hesitant, worried it'd be the typical anti-bullying message that's everywhere nowadays, but it wasn't.  Was the end message about not bullying?  Kinda.  It was about so much more than that.

If you don't know, Rachel Joy Scott was the first student killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.  After her death, her parents heard stories from many of her classmates about how Rachel had helped them, been their friend when they were friendless, stood up for them when they were being picked on, and had been an all-around great person.

They also read through her diaries and an essay on her values and ideals.  In them, she talks about how she wanted to impact the world, and that she believes a little kindness can make a huge difference.  She talked about starting a chain reaction to change the world.  They also discovered an outline of her hand prints on the back of her dresser in which she had written "These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of people's hearts."

So her dad decided to make Rachel's dreams a reality.  He started the non-profit group Rachel's Challenge which goes out to schools and talks to kids about having empathy and kindness for one another.  It's all about realizing that we're all human and we all have our own stories.  Give people a chance, don't judge them after one encounter, or because they don't dress like you, or because they're new, or because of all the shallow reasons we do judge one another.

My description doesn't come close to doing it justice.  It was an amazing story (although hard watching the images of the Columbine shooting again) and if you ever get the chance to attend a presentation, either in a school or out, I highly recommend you do.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh Comcast...

You thought I had problems with you before?  That was nothing. 

Call me crazy, but before you send an official job offer to someone, you better double-check that they're actually the correct person to extend a job offer to.  Otherwise you risk them putting in their two-weeks' notice at their current job and then telling them "oops, it was a mistake to send it to you." 

Call me crazy, but that's a whoops that should never be made.  Rest assured that I will be contacting Kenneth Carrig (VP of Human Resources at Comcast) as a start.  And I'm ready to go as far and as high as it takes to get answers.

I rarely think someone should be fired, but in this case I do think someone should be.  The hubs received a phone call letting him know that the job was his on Monday, August 27th.  He received the official written offer through email on Wednesday, August 29th.  His start date was to be Tuesday, September 4th, less than a week after he got the official offer.  So he put in his two weeks notice at his job and a bit later got an email letting him know he didn't get the job after all. 

The HR rep put our livelihoods in danger due to her carelessness and/or ineptness.

I'm also not a sue-happy person, but I wonder what legal recourse we have.  Right now we have the official formal offer letter sitting on our table.  Comcast has caused our family a real actual loss of income and I feel they should be held resposible.  I don't expect billions or for them to hire DH (since it turns out they didn't want him - their loss). 

I just don't even know how to end this post.  I truly can't put into words what I felt when this happened. It's one thing to be turned down for a job.  It's another to lose your current job because the job you're applying for sends you an offer and then retracts it.  I'm disgusted and angry and am not going to stop until I am satisfied with the answers Comcast gives me as to why this happened and what they've done to fix it.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

How does this make sense?

Nick is going to stay with us during the school year!  We're very excited and think he's going to thrive in CCISD.  However, never having to deal with school registration before I didn't realize how ridiculous it is.

To register Nick, we had to provide:

Deed to our house (if we were renting, we would have had to provide the lease)
Electricity bill
Immunization record
Birth certificate
Social security card
Previous transcript

Which I know, doesn't really sound like a lot.  But if you're dealing with exes, it can be hard to come across paperwork.

But my problem is this.  If you are homeless or illegally in the country, guess what documents you have to provide:


Zero, zip, nada.  So are immunizations important or not?  Because if they're not, then don't require documents.  But if they are (and I think they are) require docs from everyone.  If birth certificate and ssn card aren't important, than don't require them of anyone.  But why do some have to jump through hoops and not others?  And if proof of residency is important because tax money goes to the school then everyone should have to provide them.

To me it comes down to this - if rules are important, everyone should follow them.  If some don't have to obey them, none should.  And I've yet to hear a reason why that's wrong.

Happy 22 months, Elayna!

Another month come and gone.  It feels like I'm updating every few days instead of every month.  Crazy how quickly time flies!

At 22 months, Elayna is:

Still in size 3 diapers
Wearing everything from 12 months to 24 month clothes
Won't sit in her highchair anymore :(  it's all big-girl chair now
Uses real silverware (when not using her hands, that is)
Obsessed with Dora.  Tries to imitate Swiper with the "oh, man!"
Hair is almost down to her butt.  She rarely lets me comb it but comes home with a cute 'do every day from daycare
Loves water.  Pool, bathtub, doesn't matter.
Jabbering up a storm, says lots of words - Dora, bye bye, Herro (Hello), Hi!, 'Layna, Bubba (brother, Nick) , Memma (Emma), Daddy, Mommy, Daynel (Daniel, mimicking me when I called Daniel), Nana, Papa, birds, moon, clouds, uh oh (this is her new favorite), hep (help), boppy, kiyyi cat... I know there are others I'm missing.
Very stubborn.  Shocking, I know.
Still in her crib.  I have no desire to get her to a big-girl bed, she's still so small she has growing room.
Still rear-facing in her car seat.
24 pounds
~30 inches tall (she's squirmy)

Daniel took a bunch of picture while I was at work but he's cleaned them off the camera to an unknown location :(  I will add once I find out where they are, he took some amazing pics!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pinterest strikes again!

Above our fireplace the wall is longer than it is tall.  Which has made decorating up there challenging.  We couldn't put the painting we had in our old house up there, the dimensions were wrong. So I put the picture of our feet up there, and it was dwarfed by the space, but I wanted something, anything up there :)  Free-standing frames, candles, coasters, etc, were also added to the mantle.

On pinterest the other day I saw a beautifully done mantle that I want to replicate.  It had a large black and white photo of an adult holding a child's hand.  Layered in front of that was a smaller piece that just looked decorative, not a picture, and then a small medallion.  There were tall black candlesticks to balance it out.  I don't want to do exactly that, but pretty darn close.

So what to do with all the pictures that were collected on the mantle?  Put them up the stairwell, of course!

Before, boring white stairwell...

Using newspaper cutouts to arrange the pattern...

First photo goes up, our feet from above the fireplace...

All done...for now!

As I went to hang some of the photos, I realized not all of the frames were able to be hung.  But I love that I'll be able to add onto it as the years go by.  We can change out photos as needed or just hang more frames.  

Saturday, July 28, 2012


So I went and did a zumba class today and it was so much fun!  I was worried about looking like a complete loon but I don't think anyone was paying attention to me.  It was a great workout and so much fun.  Wish I could do it more often!

It was also for a great cause, the instructors donated their time so all money raised is going to send a kid (hopefully more than one) with MS to camp.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy 21 months!

Holy cow, I can't believe Elayna's 21 months already!!  At 21 months she:

Has all her baby teeth (except two year molars)
Is saying a ton of words (mama, dada, Dora, off, bye bye, Hi, lizard, dog, cat, Emma, bubba, night night, boppy, poo poo, and Layna!)  I know there's more I'm just not thinking of right now.
About 23 pounds
Can open doors with the lever handle
Likes using real metal silverware
Loves the pool
Loves Dora the Explorer.  Slightly obsessed. I found the theme for her second birthday party
Likes purses and shoes
Still size 12 month - 18 month clothes
Size 3 diapers
Size 4 shoes moving up to size 5
Loves being outside
Her hair almost reaches down to her butt.  Almost.
Babbles a lot
Still rear-facing in the car seat

Warning, she was grumpy during these pictures because she didn't want to take her Dora pajamas off:

Holding her Dora pajamas.  

I know I say it over and over, but she just keeps getting better.  Elayna is so funny, smart, pretty, amazing, etc, and I just wish she's stay this way forever.  But I also know it keeps getting better every day.  I love you, Ellie belly!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Menu board

Let me give a shout out to Pinterest for this idea!  Love love love that website. 

So I had a frame that I had tried to make magnetic and chalkboard.  It worked okay, but has been sitting in my kitchen for months unused because it didn't meet the needs that I originally created it for.

So I pulled out a bunch of my scrapbooking supplies:

And agonized for about an hour over which papers to use.  Serious decision to make!

After I got that done i put it back in the frame and put the glass over it to help protect the paper.  Don't want to have to go through that decision making again!

Then I cut out paper to cover the paperclips, put the days of the week on them, and hotglued them to the frame.  Ahhh, how I've missed my hotglue gun.  Need to find more excuses to use it.

 (BTW, very impressed with my moving photos ability at this moment :))

Then I created two boxes out of scrapbooking paper to hold the recipes. On Pinterest, I've only seen this with one box, but I wanted to make one for main courses and one for sides.  Of course, once I was done I realized maybe I needed a third for dessert.  So....dessert is now considered a side item.  

 The menu cards are unlined index cards.  I need to find my sharpie to write the names of the meals on the front, right now they're just penciled in.  On the backs are the ingredients.  And I mean all the ingredients.  For example, if we're having tater tots as a side, I need to make sure we have tater tots, ketchup, and sriracha.  Trying to take the thinking out of my grocery list!

It's hard to tell because of the glare of the glass, but on the top middle to right is MENU.  I also got to break out my cricut for this, which excited me as well.  

But most exciting is now, when I'm asked that ever-so-lovely question we all love to hear (what's for dinner), all I have to do is point at the board!  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Spin off blogs

Check out my blgs I follow list for links to my new blogs! First, I decided to separate my blogging about life from my blogging book reviews. So was born. Then I got to thinking about Elayna. She's quite the picky reader already, so I created, for her book review voice (interpreted by me :)) to be heard. I've got several books that I want to write about, but I would also love suggestions. I promise to read all books my readers request of me. Please go check out the new blogs!!

Friday, June 29, 2012


First - my vacation officially started at 5:00 pm today!! No, I'm not going anywhere, but it's time off :) Have several books I've read that I need to write about. Hello for getting it done on vacay. Our laptop died. Grrrr. So it's iPad or computer hooked up to bigscreen for awhile. Sometimes I hate technology. Elayna's new word is mine. For everything. It was cute for a day but now is frustrating 'cause that's pretty much all she says so I can't understand her. I think that's all for now...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

20 months!

Apparently this is my obligatory once a month post.  I seriously intend to post more but time just flies by!  Elayna is 20 months old today. At 20 months she is:

In size 3 diapers
12 - 18 month clothes with some 9 month still fitting
Size 3 shoes
13 teeth!  upper left canine came in last Friday
Still rear facing
As of today, has figured out how to remove her diaper
Loves, loves, loves the beach and water, absolutely fearless
Is climbing anything and everything.  Up on the coffee table, onto chairs, up the stairs...
Shoe fetish.  'Nuff said
Loves being outdoors
Mimicking what we says
Is saying lizard, flower, bird (her favorite), ball, bye-bye, HI, cat, dog, mama, dada, bubba (for Nick), Memma (for Emma), Nana, Papa, I'm sure I'm forgetting some!
Knows how to do "muscles", points to herself when you ask where Elayna is.

In the last picture she was so mad because she wanted to go outside but it was time to leave for work/daycare.  She was so mad that she couldn't go out back!  But seriously, who couldn't love this cutie pie??

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy 19 months, Elayna

I cannot believe Elayna's 19 months old today!!  At 19 months she is:

Basically running, although it looks pretty funny
Saying many words and trying to say a lot more
Loves reading books
Is in a size 3 diaper
Is just now outgrowing her 9 month clothes
Her hair is half way down her back and still a light brown/dark blonde
12 teeth
Obsessed with a Jeep exersaucer at daycare
Loves being outside (sitting outside watching her play as I type)
Is trying to dress/undress herself
Still rear-facing
Loves the pool
Hates the bathtub
Loves fruitsnacks, it's like toddler crack

I took a bunch of pics today and have the camera plugged in to the computer, but with the changes to blogger I can't get them to upload.  Grrrr.  I guess I'm going to have to break down and get Google Chrome.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Defending Jacob

by William Landay

Do you know who your kid is?  Yes, as a parent, you try to know your eat dinner together every night. You become friends with his friends' parents, you have his internet passwords and a block on his computer so he can't access certain sites. But do you really know your kid?

This is the horror D. A. Andy Barber finds himself facing.  Despite doing everything by the book, parenting-wise, he finds he may not know his son after all. 

The book spins its story carefully, working between flashbacks and current discoveries.  Benjamin Rifkin was murdrered.  During the investigation, it comes out that Ben was a bit of a bully and his main target was Jacob Barber, son of Any Barber.  Jacob swears that he's innocent, and what choice does a parent have but to believe their child.

In the course of the investigation, the Barber family loses everything - Andy's job, Jacob's education (as he's no longer allowed at school), Laurie (Jacob's mom) starts dwindling away under the stress, and their friends.  This book paints a grim picture that, no matter innocent or guilty, anyone accused is always tainted, their lives forever altered. 

What really got to me, as a mom, is what do you do if you think/know that your child is guilty, guilty especially of murder?  How do you deal with the feeling of betryaing your child by doubting their innocence?  Worse, how do you deal if it's not just doubt, but your child really is a murderer?

I was totally sucked into this book.  William Landay is an amazing writer and he paints characters I was drawn into and cared about. I saw a bit of myself in Laurie, trying too hard at times to make everything right.  And then I would see a bit of myself in Andy, staying stoic and distant when times got a little too tough.

Again, I struggle to write reviews of books because I don't want to give too much away.  This was another twisty, turny book that wonderfully pulled all the strings together in the end and tied them in a knot.  And like most great books, there was quite the twist at the end that had me go "ooohhhh."  I was sad to turn the last page, desperate to know what happened next to this family.  It is a must read!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Severe Weather Alert System

So We're sitting here watching the Supernatural I recorded Friday night. For those in the area, you'll remember Friday night saw some severe thunderstorms. So the alert interupted the show. And it was annoying! It's no longer just the long annoying beep. No, now it also had a very raspy voice guy telling us that there could be hail and to take cover inside. Okay, seriously, they need to get rid of this alert system. All it does is annoy people by interupting the show! By the time the alert came on Friday, it was already storming. So does no good. And when watching it days later it does no good. I would love to hear of any instance when the alert system did do good or alerted people who didn't know of extreme weather. Anyway, my vote is to never hear that annoying sound again!!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Okay, I know I've been MIA but what happened to blogger while I was gone?? I do not like the new layout... Anyway, not much has ben going on here. Elayna's now 18 months(!) and amazing. Still tiny, 22.5 pounds. Lots of semi words that I can understand. Says hi all the time. It's really adorable. Life is pretty great. Ellie fights me (and only me, it seems) getting in the car seat. She wants to stand facing forward! Size 3 diapers 9 to 12 month clothes mostly Loves reading with me Sleeps throughthe night Is beginning to recognize when her diaper is dirty Has an obsession with shoes being on everyone Hates bathtime Loves the pool Not a fan of brushng her teeth anymore. Back to the baby brush that goes over my finger Likes the baby swing at daycare Likes the jeep excersaucer at daycare I did read another book I need to do a review on, called The Fifth Witness. Amazing. That pretty much sums up everything right now. Enjoying life and summer. Hope all is good for everyone!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy 17 months!

Holy cow! How has it been 17 months (and one day) since Elayna was born?!?!?!? Crazy. At 17 months, she is:

22.9 pounds. Itty bitty
In her mimicing stage. Love it
Signs more, toothbrush, bath, please, thank you
Has 12 teeth, 8 in front and 4 molars
Is in size 3 diapers
In 9 month and 12 month clothes mostly. Some 6 month still
Her hair is more than half-way down her back
Size 4 shoes still
Blue eyes
Says mama, dada, mo (for more), doe (for done), huh, no, and nigh-night
Loves bathtime
Loves running away while giggling
Has the best giggle ever
Total mama's girl still
Loves to climb the stairs
Has figured out to slide down furniture to get off
Cleans house with mommy
Brings me her hair stuff whe she wants her hair done
Still nursing occasionally, seriously need to break her of it
Gets jealous when mommy pays attention to other kids and babies

That's all I can think of right now, sure I forgot something. I love her more every day. It's really amazing.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I got scammed

And no, I didn't send money to a Nigerian Prince :)  Since we moved last year, come January 1, 2012, we had to register our house as our homestead to get the break on our taxes.  So I got something in the mail from the state to take care of the paperwork.  Or so I thought.  I filled out the document and sent it back with the $35 fee, not a happy person.

Yes, I know I should have done my research, so I do take partial blame, but really, is it that unbelievable to think the state imposed a fee?  Plus, the laws did change in September 2011 to make it where you have to provide a copy of your drivers license with the address matching the house you're claiming and either proof that your vehicle is registered at that address or an affadavit stating that you don't own a vehicle.

So I got all that paperwork gathered and sent it into the state.  And then received another official looking document that hubby and I had to get signed and notarized together, and send in with another $39 fee.

At this point, I was furious.  First, having to get the two of us together somewhere during business hours and second another freaking fee.  So I started to do some googling and found out it's a total scam.

It looks official.  It comes from a company called Homestead Recording Service in Austin, Texas.  Yes, if you go down to the very bottom it says it's an advertisement.  But my problem is that it's selling itself as being from the state.  It's just wrong and I don't know why the state lets them do it.

Because all the "work" they did for $35 was to send me the document to fill out.  The document that's free online.  So I know it's a done deal and I know it won't happen, but I want my freaking $35 back!!!  And I did file a complaint with the State Attorney General. 

This is my PSA to let everyone know not to fall for the trick I did.  I'm just glad it was only $35.

Friday, February 24, 2012


I know I haven't posted a flylady challenge in awhile, so I wanted to give a brief update. Yes, I'm still fluttering, but with modifications. Part ofnthe beauty of flylady is that each person has to adapt it to their own life. She just give basics blocks to start the building.

One thing I've let go of is the routines. Sure, I have things that have to get done each morning, noon, and night, but I've realized that they don't, and can't, get done in the same order every day. So it's a daily to do list, I know certain things have to get done before work, after work, and before bed. And it works perfectly for me.

Next thing that's going pretty well is decluttering. I'll admit, I have stuffitis. I have a hard time getting rid of things, it feels like a betrayal to those who gave it to me, or a betrayal to the money that was spent. I'm working on getting over that. 3 boxes went to good will last weekend and it felt good.

Do it now! Seriously is an awesome concept. I don't know why the human brain exaggerates the time it takes to do things, but it does. The dishwasher? Roughly two minutes to empty. Load of laundry? About 10 minutes, including going upstairs. I've been trying to do things before my brain can talk me out of it.

Still a lot of progress to make, but I feel good. House is looking not half bad, and I'm taking it one project at a time.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

V is for Vengeance

I know you've all been waiting anxiously for my review of V is for here it is!

First I have to say I loved it, of course. Sue Grafton gets better and better each book. I can't wait to read Z is for ? but I don't want it to be over, either. Who knows, maybe she'll start into double letters? AA is for Angry Attackers? Just a thought :)

V kinda reminded me of S in a way. In both tales, the reader sees more than just Kinsey's view of what's going on. In V, we get to meet Nora, a happily married middle aged woman. We're slowly fed tidbits of a tragedy that occured in her past. I loved Nora. She definitely did some things most women only dream of.

We also meet Dante, a gangster loan shark. Have to say he was strangly likeable. He has an evil father and an idiot brother. But his uncle is pretty cool. Dante meets up with Nora and falls in love.

We first meet up with Kinsey as she is shopping for underwear. And being the mostly-honest mostly-law abiding citizen that she is, she alerts the store to a shoplifting duo. How is she paid back for her good deeds? By being hit by a car, of course. Poor Kinsey. It only gets worse, however, as she ends up with a broken nose at the end of the book. On her birthday. But even that could have been so much worse.

Henry was on a trip to visit his sister for most of the book, so we didn't get a lot of their chats, except on the phone. Rosie's cooking gets worse and worse each book, I think I finally figured out why Kinsey is so skinny.

Anyway, the plot is full of twists and turns I never saw coming. I inhaled this book, just couldn't put it down. A++ and you must go out now and get it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy 16 months Elayna

Wow, I can't believe Elayna is already 16 months old! I know everyone says it and it's super trite, but it's true that time flies. At 16 months, Elayna is:

Completely fearless
Wearing size 3 diapers
Between 21 and 22 pounds
Still wearing 6-9 month clothes along with a few 12 month outfits
Size 4 shoes
Has the craziest long hair, almost to the middle of her back. Has some curl to it. The kids at daycare like to pull her ponytails :(
Has 11 teeth! 4 front upper, 4 front lower, and 3 of her first molars
Is quite the eater
Loves to climb the stairs
Has the cutest giggle ever
Does "muscles"
Is still rear facing, but finally in a big girl chair instead of her infant seat
Still not really talking but does babble more, mama, dada, night night, and other babbles
Signs more, bath, tired, please, thank you, toothbrush, and shhhh
Imitates us
Trying to run, which is so funny to watch
Is still nursing morning and night. Nooooo idea when she's going to stop, it's totally just a comfort thing now.
Loves to run away from the bathtub while naked
Knows to throw trash (and sometimes non-trash) away
Loves loves loves being outside
Is on amoxicillan just about ALL THE TIME for ear infections
Goes to bed and nap in her crib like such a big girl
Still puts everything in her mouth

I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of things. She's just so much fun to be around. It's hard smetimes knowing she's not a baby anymore, but she truly gets to be more and more fun every day. There is so much personality running through that tiny little body.

Mommy loves you, Ellie belly :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Catching up

Holy cow it's been busy! So.....happyn14 month Ellie, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!! Stillvfluttering with flylady but haven't added any more routines. Just trying to kepp my head above water.

I ended up reading 103 boks in 2011! I will give reviews of some of my favorites.

And my first book read in 2012? It was Sue Grafton' V is for Vengeance. I will review it in the next few days.