Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Yes, I'm yelling in excitement :)  We'll have been on the market 5 weeks tomorrow.  Got notice yesterday that we would have a showing todat between 1 and 2.  2:15 today our realtor asked for our disclosure, before 3 we had the offer.  And it's a great offer.

So we'll be looking at houses the next couple of days.  I'm super excited, but a little sad.  Change is always hard and this has been a great home.  But I also know we've outgrown it and it's time to move on.  Time for this to be a good home for another family.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fun day

We had a blast today!  Stayed in bed late (not sleeping, just lazing around).  Tried to go to Judge's for lunch, sit outside overlooking the water, watch the birds, but they're still closed for winter!  What??  It's Texas.  It's spring.  Another 2 weeks and it'll be summer.  They need to open already!

So we ended up at La Brisa (on 146).  First time sitting outside on their patio.  Boy, did they do it right.  Even though it's right on the highway, there wasn't really any noise.  The decorations are awesome and the mural really makes you feel like you're somewhere tropical.

Ellie wishing she could enjoy the chips and salsa with us!

After that we went to the park and enjoyed the nice weather.  Ellie went down the slide for the first time!

Sunday dinner at Nana and Papa's.  New food - bananas!!  I think she really liked them.  And as a reward for being such a good girl, Papa heated up the hot tub.  Ellie loves her bathtime, this was like super bath!

She is definitely going to be a fish.  She was splashing around, kicking her legs, putting her face in the water.  Daniel even dunked her a few times and she didn't fuss.  Such a great girl.  Looking forward to the pool this summer.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rodeo and 5 months old!

We went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo yesterday and had a BLAST!  Once we got there, that is.  Drive down wasn't bad but trying to park was a nightmare.  1 hour drive-time (pretty normal to get to that area) but it took a full hour after that to find parking.  Miserable.

It was so hot!  The carnival is in the parking lot of Reliant Stadium and all that blacktop really radiates the heat.  It was not too bad crowd-wise.  The kids rode several rides including the big slide, which they loved.

All 5 of us went up on the ferris wheel, we could see so far.  Ellie really seemed to like it, the breeze helped us all cool down.

Went inside and watched most of the rodeo (standing room only).  Brad Paisley put on a good show after that.  Very high energy.  Got home EXHAUSTED at 11:00 last night, it's been awhile since I've stayed up so late.

And Elayna's 5 months old today!  It's hard to believe.  What's going on right now:

She's sitting up unassisted quite a bit.  Still not completely stable on her bum but if I sit her there just right she can hold it. 
She loves standing up. 
She crosses the first two fingers of her right hand a lot, which drives Daniel crazy. 
She sticks her tongue out, mostly on the right side of her mouth.
She loves oatmeal!  While we're eating, she opens and clothes her mouth like a little bird. 
No doctor appointment this month so I'm not sure of weight or height.
When I waved at her this morning she waved back.
Still loves bathtime
Working on sleeping in the pack-n-play, some nights are better than others.
Loves daycare and tries to play with the big (9 and 10 month old) kids.
Still wearing size 1 shoes and size 3 month clothes. 
Wearing size 1 diapers but will soon go up to size 2.
Is very aware of her surroundings.
Still loves to nurse.

I tried to take nice 5 month pictures of her today but it didn't go well.  Between the camera (I just don't love the one we have) and my impatience and Elayna's fussiness, I didn't get the best shots.  But she's still a cutie!

Sorry the pics are all so small, when I make them large they get really grainy. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tongue and kick

Ellie has found her tongue!  It seems to be driving her crazy, as she keeps chewing on it and sticking it out.  It's really quite cute. 

She's always had a good kick (trust me, my ribs still bear bruises).  Just a few minutes ago, I'm peacefully propped up in bed, surfing the internet, with Ellie in her boppy between me and Daniel.  Instead of facing toward the headboard, I had her facing in my direction.

BIG MISTAKE.  My laptop almost lost its life.

One good kick and it went over the bed.  I managed to grab it before it hit the floor.  I hurt my pinkie finger in the process, too.  But it was all worth it to see Daniel's reaction.  He was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.  Good times!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

So I'm joining in a Thankful Thursday post :)  To start, I'm thankful that it's Thursday, or as I like to call it, Friday eve!

Last night we had bathtime fun.  Elayna loves bathtime, so after I wash her I usually let her play for a bit.  Last night was no exception.  While she was happily splashing, I decided to remove my makeup.  I rubbed it over my face and then my eyelids.  Since I could hear her splashing, I closed my eyes for just a second and when I reopened them, she had pooped in the bathtub! 

(Yes, I know this will be a huge source of embarrasment for her in the future, but what are parents for??  This will be called prom-night fun :))

I yelled nononononono!  which just caused her to laugh.  I called for Daniel to come help rinse her off.  I held my slippery wet baby up while he sprayed her off and she KEPT POOPING!!  Truth be told, I thought it was quite funny.

I was not able to take Ellie to the park in honor of Maddie's angelversary, so I'll post these pics from our park outing on Saturday for Kellie.  Hermann Park in Houston.

Happy Friday eve, everyone!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3 hours and 15 minutes

That's how long Ellie slept in her pack-n-play last night.  It's the longest yet!  So we're getting there. 

I fed her and when she was asleep, Daniel put her in the pack-n-play.  And I sprawled out.  Full on, sleeping on stomach, arms out to the sides, sleep.  It was HEAVENLY!!  Seriously, best sleep I've gotten in I don't know how long. 

So she slept from 9:30 to 12:45.  I got up to feed her and we both fell asleep.  So I need to work on that, but baby steps!

I think the key is Daniel putting her down instead of me.  Kind of tricking her, but whatever works.  Here's to a successful night 2!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We had a showing!

Yesterday I got a call from our real estate agent.  Well, kind of, because when I tried to answer it my stupid phone hung up.  Whatever.  But when I got back to my desk, Daniel had talked to him and we had a showing between noon and 2pm.  So, of course, I rushed home at 11:00 am to clean the house.  Luckily we had deep cleaned the day before, so it was really just picking things up and general tidying.  Turned on all the lights and scentsys, put the dogs outside, the usual stuff.

When I got home, I knew that they had come over (some showings don't show up) because they had turned out all the lights.  So nice of them. 

We're still waiting to hear feedback.  If we get any. 

I don't know, a big part of me is ready to move.  We've outgrown the house and we're really ready to be out of Texas City.  But I know I'll be sad to leave, too.  A whole lot of memories in this house.  Change is very hard. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The park and some oatmeal

What a day!  Daniel and I took Elayna to Hermann Park in Houston.  It was a BLAST!  She loves being outside and it was such a nice sunny day.  Got lots and lots of great photos (which I'm normally so bad about taking).  A few of my favorites...

After dinner at Nana and Papa's, we came home to experience oatmeal for the first time.  She loved it!  I was so proud of her, she ate well off the spoon and managed to swallow quite a bit. 

So I think it's safe to say she was very ready to start solids! 

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm not ready

but I think Elayna is.  Ready to start solid foods, that is.  She keeps eyeing our food and trying to grab it.  She's sitting in her highchair and bumbo really well.  I was hoping to hold off until she was closer to 6 months old, but I think I'm going to have to suck it up. 

I bought oatmeal and baby spoons today.  On one hand this new milestone is very exciting.  But a small part of me is sad to know she will only be a baby so much longer.  Such is life.

In the meantime, I'm going to cuddle her and kiss her every chance I get.  She's talking soooo much now.  Still no tooth, which is a-ok with this nursing mom.

She's a bit fussy right now and keeps making what Daniel and I call the Walter face.  She looks just like Jeff Dunham's Walter!

Life is good.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


At least it was for me!  I'm taking a vacation day (mental health day, really) tomorrow.  Going to spend some good quality Ellie and Mommy time.  Work out, do some shopping, have lunch with Nana and Papa, cook a nice dinner for Daniel.  And most of all...

avoid sad and depressing stories.  Seriously.  It seems everywhere I turn all I hear is sadness.  I cried in the kitchen at work the other day because I made the HUGE mistake of reading the article about the guy on trial in Galveston for killing his 3 month old son.  Then there's the fire that happened at the daycare recently.  And I heard yesterday about the woman who forgot to drop her infant off at daycare and left work for the day to find her dead in the car.

I could just be hyper-sensitive to it since I've become a mom, but it's really getting to me.  So I'm taking a mental detox day and am just going to enjoy all the wonderful things :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another weekend over...

But what a good weekend it was!   Yesterday Daniel, Nick, Emma, Ellie, and I went to Target and finally, FINALLY, got a frame for a set of 3 black and white photos from Ellie's newborn shoot.  Yes, it took me 4 months to decide how I wanted to frame them.  Okay, fine, Daniel finally decided for me :)

Then we had lunch and Daniel bought a new suit.  Hair appointment for me and then dinner with my parents, which is always nice.  One, my mom is a good cook.  Two, any time I don't have to cook and clean up is great!

Today we got tons of stuff done around the house and went to the grocery store.  Spent way too much money, but got some things that were much needed.  I worked on a scrapbook for a little while, held Elayna lots and lots (I'm not spoiling her - I'm just enjoying every minute because I know the teen years will come way too soon).

Another milestone in my baby's life - we put together the highchair for her.  I think it won't be long before she's starting on solids, but I'm delaying as much as I can.  I expect her first tooth sometime soon because she's a big ole drool monster!  I joked to Daniel today that we should call her Slimer.

And back to work tomorrow.  Mondays always come too soon and it's so hard to leave her at daycare.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are you a dreamer...

Or a doer?  I, unfortunately, am very much a dreamer.  I have grand plans of publishing my novel and writing many more.  Of starting my own freelance editing business.  My house being organized and well decorated.  Finishing my wedding scrapbook and the scrapbook of my pregnancy.  Of learning how to brew beer.  Going scuba diving again.  And and and. 

But you've got a newborn at home!  I can hear you all exclaim.  And while I would love to use that as an excuse, I know that I can't.  So what is it that's keeping me in the land of dreamers?  I think my problem is three-fold:

1.  Not truly knowing where to start.  I wish I had a decorator's eye, but I don't.  I can see well-decorated houses and know what I like, but I get overwhelmed at the store.  S I leave empty-handed.  This, by the way, also applies to clothes shopping.  I need new clothes so badly, but I just dread it.  Well organized house?  They say a place for everything and everything in its place.  A junk drawer (or 7) counts as a place,rifght??

2.  Fear of failure.  In my heart of hearts, I know that if I were to send it to publishing houses, my novel would be an instant success.  I'd be the next Stephanie Meyer or J. K. Rowling.  At least, I can continue to believe so as long as I don't send it off. 

3.  And this is the biggie.  The fear of being laughed at or pitied for dreaming/trying.  I know step-by-step how I want to start reaching out for freelance business.  But what if I fail and all I hear around me was how it was stupid to try?  What's really sad is I don't think anyone I know would say or feel that.  And yet it holds me back.

So what am I doing to change?  Nothing.  Okay, obviously just kidding.  Well, for starters, I reached out to friends to find out if anyone knows anyone in the publishing biz and one of my friends does and agreed to pass my novel along.  Whether it's loved or hated, I've taken a step.  My big hope now is for feedback and advice.  I also need to work on writing more.  At least twenty minutes a day.  It can be blogging or working on my next novel, but I just need to be working my brain.

I'm going to start a binder of home decor, color schemes, etc that I like.  And be more patient with the shopping.  It should be fun, not stressful.  Same with scrapbooking and holidays.  I don't have to keep up with the Joneses.  These are all things for me and my family and who cares if the things I create aren't as good as so-and-so's.

I'm working on a name for my freelance business.  And it's freaking HARD!!!  I've got the catchy reason for hiring an editor written out.  My target is small businesses.  Editing ads, billboards, signs, anything.  I'm concerned owners/managers won't see the value of proper grammar and punctuation, but I'm hopeful.  I'm thinking the first place I'll send a letter to will be the place with the neon sign advertising they sell taco's.  I'm also going to hit up businesses on facebook.  And anytime I see an opportunity, I need to be brave enough to seize it.

So am I going to be successful?  Eh, time can only tell.  But I don't want to wake up in 30 years and think about the wasted time and what could have been.  I have to at least try.

And now the irony of ironies.  Please forgive any typos, Elayna's asleep on my right arm so I'm having to type one handed :)