Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rodeo and 5 months old!

We went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo yesterday and had a BLAST!  Once we got there, that is.  Drive down wasn't bad but trying to park was a nightmare.  1 hour drive-time (pretty normal to get to that area) but it took a full hour after that to find parking.  Miserable.

It was so hot!  The carnival is in the parking lot of Reliant Stadium and all that blacktop really radiates the heat.  It was not too bad crowd-wise.  The kids rode several rides including the big slide, which they loved.

All 5 of us went up on the ferris wheel, we could see so far.  Ellie really seemed to like it, the breeze helped us all cool down.

Went inside and watched most of the rodeo (standing room only).  Brad Paisley put on a good show after that.  Very high energy.  Got home EXHAUSTED at 11:00 last night, it's been awhile since I've stayed up so late.

And Elayna's 5 months old today!  It's hard to believe.  What's going on right now:

She's sitting up unassisted quite a bit.  Still not completely stable on her bum but if I sit her there just right she can hold it. 
She loves standing up. 
She crosses the first two fingers of her right hand a lot, which drives Daniel crazy. 
She sticks her tongue out, mostly on the right side of her mouth.
She loves oatmeal!  While we're eating, she opens and clothes her mouth like a little bird. 
No doctor appointment this month so I'm not sure of weight or height.
When I waved at her this morning she waved back.
Still loves bathtime
Working on sleeping in the pack-n-play, some nights are better than others.
Loves daycare and tries to play with the big (9 and 10 month old) kids.
Still wearing size 1 shoes and size 3 month clothes. 
Wearing size 1 diapers but will soon go up to size 2.
Is very aware of her surroundings.
Still loves to nurse.

I tried to take nice 5 month pictures of her today but it didn't go well.  Between the camera (I just don't love the one we have) and my impatience and Elayna's fussiness, I didn't get the best shots.  But she's still a cutie!

Sorry the pics are all so small, when I make them large they get really grainy. 

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