Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another weekend over...

But what a good weekend it was!   Yesterday Daniel, Nick, Emma, Ellie, and I went to Target and finally, FINALLY, got a frame for a set of 3 black and white photos from Ellie's newborn shoot.  Yes, it took me 4 months to decide how I wanted to frame them.  Okay, fine, Daniel finally decided for me :)

Then we had lunch and Daniel bought a new suit.  Hair appointment for me and then dinner with my parents, which is always nice.  One, my mom is a good cook.  Two, any time I don't have to cook and clean up is great!

Today we got tons of stuff done around the house and went to the grocery store.  Spent way too much money, but got some things that were much needed.  I worked on a scrapbook for a little while, held Elayna lots and lots (I'm not spoiling her - I'm just enjoying every minute because I know the teen years will come way too soon).

Another milestone in my baby's life - we put together the highchair for her.  I think it won't be long before she's starting on solids, but I'm delaying as much as I can.  I expect her first tooth sometime soon because she's a big ole drool monster!  I joked to Daniel today that we should call her Slimer.

And back to work tomorrow.  Mondays always come too soon and it's so hard to leave her at daycare.

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