Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


At least it was for me!  I'm taking a vacation day (mental health day, really) tomorrow.  Going to spend some good quality Ellie and Mommy time.  Work out, do some shopping, have lunch with Nana and Papa, cook a nice dinner for Daniel.  And most of all...

avoid sad and depressing stories.  Seriously.  It seems everywhere I turn all I hear is sadness.  I cried in the kitchen at work the other day because I made the HUGE mistake of reading the article about the guy on trial in Galveston for killing his 3 month old son.  Then there's the fire that happened at the daycare recently.  And I heard yesterday about the woman who forgot to drop her infant off at daycare and left work for the day to find her dead in the car.

I could just be hyper-sensitive to it since I've become a mom, but it's really getting to me.  So I'm taking a mental detox day and am just going to enjoy all the wonderful things :)

1 comment:

  1. The mom thing really does effect you. I haven't watched the evening news in over 10 years. And the fact is, you don't really need to know about any of that stuff. Knowing someone killed their own child does not help you in any way.
    I used to love horror movies too, now, not so much. :)
