Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Flylady challenge day #12

I won't say I've been an epic failure, but I have fallen off the fly wagon.  I knew I would somewhat this weekend because it was my work Christmas party and between breakfast with Santa early on Saturday and then setting up for the party and then going to the party and then staying down in Galveston Saturday night I knew I wouldn't be able to stay up with my routines.

Irony of ironies, it wasn't until looking around my dirty house this morning as I was running late for work that I had an aha moment.  Ummmm, the whole flylady thing was invented EXACTLY because of days like this weekend.  Amazing.

So, I've been trying to not beat myself up about it tonight.  And to be kind to my family because it's not their fault.  I've struggled a bit, but I am working on it.

My sink is shiney
A load of laundry was washed, dried, and put up
We ate meatloaf for dinner instead of running to get something (a la last night)
The baby has had a bath and is getting ready for bed
We're having black bean soup for dinner tomorrow so I cooked up the bacon and onion to throw in the crockpot tomorrow morning
Clothes are laid out ready to go

So, all I can say is I'm working on it.  And now for my complaint about flylady.  I kinda think a new habit every day is pretty quick.  I feel like I haven't had a chance to really get down the habits of 5 minute room rescue and 15 minute cleaning/decluttering.  And now for the beauty of the flylady system, I give myself permission to not have to necessarily do a new habit a day. If I need to take an extra day or two to go on to the next habit, it's allowed!!!  So, I may not be doing a new one every day.

On a sad note, we got news tonight that my father-in-law isn't doing well.  That definitely puts things back in perspective.  It's just a mess, be nice to yourself and your family.  Nobody will remember the house being a work in progress, they will remember the love within it.

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