Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Flylady challenge day #13

My sink is shiney
I got up this morning and showered and dressed to the shoes
Put a load of laundry in the washer
Ran errands
Wrapped presents

And the good news is that today is picking up one of Kelly's zone missions and today it's pampering myself!  Could not have timed that better.

In other great news, the featherduster came in and it's awesome.  Absolutely love it.  And it only took 6 days to arrive!  I'm so impressed by it that I ordered a rubba scrubba.  Looking very forward to getting that in. 

I've noticed that I need to be paying more attention to my before bed routine.  I didn't do it last night and it didn't set me behind this morning because it was the weekend, but it was frustrating trying to round up clothes for Elayna while trying to get out the door.  Lizzie needs to realize that tomorrow will come (along with work) whether she does the before bed routine or not.  Doing the routine just makes it easier on us.

Have a couple good quotes that are on my inspiration/funny page in my control journal:

I cannot be head of the universe - the job is already taken.  This is to help me let go of wanting to control everything.


To truly live a happy life, you have to let go of what could have happened in the past.  So so so so true.  I definitely need to stop with the what ifs and realize that what I have is pretty darn good and I'm exactly where and who I'm supposed to be.

Happy Sunday to all!  Go do something to treat yourself nicely :)

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