Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Flylady challenge day #4

Hmmmm, today I got out of bed and made it.

I jumped in the shower and then got dressed to the shoes including makeup.

Started a load of laundry.

I packed my lunch while eating breakfast.

Left for work with my sink shining.

Got home from work tonight and have done nothing. okay, in all fairness Elayna is grumpy so we're having some cuddle time until Daniel gets home. And then i'll make dinner, and finish the laundry, and shine my sink and go to bed. Is my house clean? No. But it's getting a teeny tiny bit cleaner and I'm hanging in there.

First thought upon leaving work was Yay, it's Friday!! I get to go home and do nothing!! I had to gently remind myself that I do have a few things to do, but they won't take long at all and then I can watch Supernatural. Funny how bribery works, no matter what the age.

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