Fantastic picture of our feet

The sylish picture above was taken by Kristen Purcell of La Vie Photography. She does incredible work and is great to work with!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Flylady challenge days #5 and #6

Yesterday's challenge was to write down all the negative thoughts that pop in my head and basically tell them to shut up!  Well, I didn't write them down, but everytime I start hearing the voices (yes, I just admitted I hear voices) telling me that I need to be cleaning and the house isn't perfect I have been telling them that I'm working on it.  The house is an on-going project and it's never going to be perfect and that is ok.

Today's challenge was to spend 2 minutes cleaning up a hot spot.  A hot spot is an area(s) of your house that if one thing gets piled there, it gets out of control with clutter.  Such as a dining room table or a kitchen counter.  I worked on our living room because everything gets piled out there.  It is far from perfect but it's better.  Living room before:

Living room after:

Okay, so the coffee table still needs some work, but I was able to get all the toys put up.  I also started working on the control journal and got good morning and evening routines started, started a list of things we need in our medicine cabinet (which is woefully lacking), and started a list of go-to meals.  I also got all my coupons organized (was several weeks behind).  Go the laundry in the basket put up and washed, dried, and put up another load.  All in all, today was pretty darn awesome.  And, on top of it all, I finished the book I was reading which I will be reviewing because it was AWESOME!!

I got out of bed and made it.  Showered and dressed (but skipped makeup and contacts to give skin/eyes a break).  My sink is still shining with no dirty dishes.  However, Lizzie did win out last night and we ordered pizza.  Ah, well, can't win them all!

Blogger pleading for help here.  Does anyone know how to select more than one picture at a time to upload? There's got to be a better way!  For instance, today I was pulling the pics right off the camera.  So I had to click on select picture, go to my computer, click on camera, click on cannon, click on DCIM, click on cannon 100, and then select a picture.  Repeat for every picture I uploaded.  I'm not the most patient person (yeah, everyone knows!), and this is very trying for me!!  HELP!!!!

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